Fig. 4.
Mφ-II up-regulate SPHK1 and TNFSF14/LIGHT. (A) Relative SPHK1 mRNA as measured by real-time PCR after Mφ activation by LPS (●), LPS + IgG-OVA IC (▲), or IL-4 (○). (B) Relative LIGHT mRNA as measured by real-time PCR after Mφ activation by LPS (●), LPS + IgG-OVA IC (▲), or IL-4 (○). Calculation of fold values was detailed in Materials and Methods. (C) Immunoprecipitation of soluble LIGHT (sLIGHT) from 6 h cell supernatants of unstimulated Mφ, Ca-Mφ, and Mφ-II. Western blot analysis for LIGHT using a rat α-LIGHT mAb, showing the soluble form of LIGHT present as a 20- to 23-kD protein. Figures are representative of at least three independent experiments.