Phenotypic analysis of M. extorquens mutant and overexpressing strains. (A and B) Methylglyoxal and hydrogen peroxide resistance. Sensitivity was tested in disk diffusion assays. Data indicate the diameter of the growth inhibition zone and are the mean of 3 measurements from at least 3 independent experiments. Bars show the standard error. (C) UV tolerance. UV tolerance was tested by spotting a dilution series of exponential-phase cultures on plates and exposing the plates to UV light (254 nm). Data indicate the percentage viability after 40 s of UV exposure compared with nonexposed cells and are the mean of 3 independent experiments. Bars show the standard error. (D) Cross-protection against heat shock after carbon starvation. Cultures were subjected to heat shock (closed symbols) or exposed to overnight carbon starvation before heat shock (open symbols). Data of 1 representative experiment out of 3 independent experiments is shown. Strains are noted as follows: WT, wild type; ΔphyR; PhyR, ΔphyR/pCM62_phyR; D190A, ΔphyR/pCM62_phyRD190A; PhyRN, ΔphyR/pCM80_phyRNterm; NepR++, wild type/pCM80_nepR (rmq12793); NepR PhyR++, wild type/pCM80_nepR_phyR.