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. 2008 Oct 30;9:512. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-9-512

Table 1.

Summary of T. cacao libraries

Genotype Library Library description Good quality ESTs Unigenes
Jaca CERATOJ_KZ0ACI stem tissues inoculated by Ceratocystis fimbriata 1729 1270
Scavina6 CHERELS_KZ0AAC cherels from 1 week to 1 month stage of development 4252 2836
Scavina6 COPHAS_KZ0AAL pod tissue inoculated by Phytophthora palmivora 4905 2621
Scavina6 CORTEXS_KZ0AAT cortex tissue, external part 3817 2227
Scavina6 CORTINS_KZ0AAV cortex tissue internal part with lignified chanels 5096 3331
ICS1 COSSHPPI_KZ0AA SSH library from tissues inoculated/non inoculated by Phytophthora palmivora 1721 955
Scavina6 COSSHPPS_KZ0AA SSH library from tissues inoculated/non inoculated by Phytophthora palmivora 1702 1129
ICS1 COTYLEI_KZ0ABB cotyledons from germinated seeds (1 to 3 weeks) 5153 2961
B97 C-C-2 CUSHIONC_KZ0ACAC young cushions 2849 2120
Scavina6 DROUGHTLS_KZ0ACAF leaves submited to drought stresses 2766 1290
Scavina6 DROUGHTRS_KZ0ACAE roots submited to drought stresses 2685 1563
ICS1AF EMBR1WI_KZ0ABA epicotyle and hypocotyle from 1 week germinated seeds 3246 2473
ICS1AF EPIC23I_KZ0AAS epicotyle from 2–3 week germinated seeds 3005 2459
Scavina6 FLOWERS_KZ0AAD flowers at different stages of development 3511 2434
Scavina6 FLPOLSSH_KZ0ABL_M SSH library from ovaries submitted to compatible/incompatible pollinations 2398 431
ICS1AF HYPO23I_KZ0AAP hypocotyle from 2–3 week germinated seeds 5111 2955
Scavina6 LEAVES_KZ0ABE young and adult leaves at different stages of development 4698 3069
GU255V LEAVPAGU_KZ0ACQ leaves inoculated by Phytophthora palmivora 3030 2139
PNG seedlings LEPAPNGR_KZ0ACP leaves inoculated by Phytophthora palmivora 1021 862
PNG seedlings LESSHMEPNGa_KZ0ACAP SSH library from leaves inoculated by Phytophthora megakarya from susceptible-resistant PNG seedlings 356 169
PNG seedlings LESSHMEPNGb_KZ0ACV SSH library from leaves inoculated by Phytophthora megakarya from resistant – susceptible PNG seedlings 1244 749
PNG seedlings LESSHPNGRSb_KZ0ABP SSH library from leaves inoculated by Phytophthora palmivora from resistant – susceptible PNG seedlings 701 438
UF676 MIRIDUFS_KZ0ACAD young shoot tissues attacked by Sahlbergella singularis (mirids) 3011 1908
P7 MONILIOP_KZ0AB pod tissues inoculated by Moniliophthora roreri 3074 2217
UF273 MONILIOU_KZ0ABV pod tissues inoculated by Monilia roreri 3159 1871
IMC47 OVUL1_7M_KZ0ACAK ovaries from 1 to 7 days after pollinations 1565 1218
ICS1 OVULEI_KZ0AAB ovules collected 2 to 3 months after pollination 4942 3315
UPA134 PODMEUPA_KZ0ACAB pod tissues inoculated by Phytophthora megakarya 3492 2093
Scavina6 PODSSHWB1Sb_KZ0ACD SSH library from pod tissues inoculated-non inoculated by Moniliophthora perniciosa less than 60 days after inoculation 652 534
Scavina6 PODSSHWB2Sb_KZ0ACF SSH library from pod tissues inoculated-non inoculated by Moniliophthora perniciosa between 60 to 120 days after inoculation 1399 912
Scavina6 PODWB1S_KZ0ACM pod tissues inoculated by Moniliophthora perniciosa less than 60 days after inoculation 1704 1213
Scavina6 PODWB2S_KZ0ACN pod tissues inoculated by Moniliophthora perniciosa between 60 to 120 days after inoculation 1718 1217
PNG seedlings RESSHMEPNGb_KZ0AC SSH library from leaves of resistant seedlings inoculated-non inoculated by Phytophthora megakarya 1287 931
Scavina6 ROOTS_KZ0ABF roots 3567 2892
PNG seedlings RPPSSHPNGa_KZ0ACAL SSH library from leaves of resistant seedlings non inoculated- inoculated by Phytophthora palmivora 344 266
PNG seedlings RPPSSHPNGb_KZ0ACR SSH library from leaves of resistant seedlings inoculated-non inoculated by Phytophthora palmivora 1407 823
ICS1 SEED34I_KZ0AAH seeds 3 to 3,5 months after pollinations 3942 2637
ICS1 SEED45I_KZ0AAE_F seeds 4 to 5 months after pollinations 3296 1902
33–49 SEEDFERB_KZ0ACAG Cotyledons from seeds fermented between 6 H and 4 days 1664 465
ICS1 SEEDMAI_KZ0AAG seeds from mature pods 5,5 to 6 months after pollinations 3068 1844
BE240 SEEDNAB_KZ0ABH seeds 2 to 5 months after pollinations 4988 3101
ICS1 SEFERMI_A_KZ0AAR fermented seeds during 6 to 26 H 1798 844
ICS1 SEFERMI_B_KZ0AAM fermented seeds during 32 to 40 H 3931 2110
Jaca SSHCERATOJb_KZ0ACS SSH library from stems inoculated-non inoculated by Ceratocystis fimbriata 339 327
Jaca SSHCERATOJa_KZ0ACAM SSH library from stems non inoculated-inoculated by Ceratocystis fimbriata 1364 918
UF676 SSHMIRUFa_KZ0ACAN SSH library from young shoots non attacked-attacked by Sahlbergella singularis 320 296
UF676 SSHMIRUFb_KZ0ACT SSH library from young shoots attacked-non attacked by Sahlbergella singularis 1393 1051
Scavina6 STEMS_KZ0AAA complete disc of stems 1 cm diameter 4938 2880
Scavina6 STSSHWB1S_KZ0ABI_K SSH library from (and reverse sens) shoot tissues inoculated/non inoculated by Moniliophthora perniciosa less than 18 days after inoculation 1594 370
Scavina6 STSSHWB2Sb_KZ0ACB SSH library from shoot tissues inoculated-non inoculated by Moniliophthora perniciosa between 18 to 120 days after inoculation 1408 1056
33–49 TEGFERB_KZ0ACAH testa from seeds fermented between 6 H and 4 days 1649 808
ICS1 TEGPULI_KZ0AAI_K testa with pulp from mature seeds 5017 3254
Scavina6 TISCIVS_KZ0AAQ embryogenic and non embryogenic callus in vitro culture 3434 2389
ICS1 TPFERMI_A_KZ0AAN fermented testa during 6 to 40 H 4005 2164
P7 WILTP_KZ0ACL young wilted cherels 7 to 10 days after pollination 1706 1247
Scavina6 WOODS_KZ0ACAA bark and cambium part of wood 3478 2234