a, siRNAs targeting Gfp, Luc, random sequences (RS1, RS2), Bglap1, Cdh16, or Sftpb, and siRNA incapable of RNA-induced silencing (RISC-free), suppressed CNV in wild-type mice. n = 8–24; asterisk, P < 0.05 compared to no injection, phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and siRNA buffer. b, Representative examples of CNV in wild-type eye injected with vehicle (buffer) or Luc siRNA (1 μg). c, Gfp siRNA or Luc siRNA suppressed CNV in Tlr3+/+ but not Tlr3−/− mice. n = 16–18; asterisk, P < 0.05 compared to vehicle (buffer). d, Representative examples of CNV in Gfp-siRNA-injected (1 μg) Tlr3+/+ and Tlr3−/− eyes. e, CNV suppression in wild-type mice by Luc siRNA (0.25 μg) was abrogated by soluble TLR3 (sTLR3) but not soluble TLR4 or heat-denatured (hd) soluble TLR3 (all 2 μg). n = 8. f, CNV suppression in wild-type mice by Luc siRNA (1 μg) was abrogated by neutralizing anti-TLR3 antibodies (Ab; 0.2 μl) but not control IgG (0.2 μl) or chloroquine (Cq; 30 ng). n = 6–8; asterisk, P < 0.05. NS, not significant. Vehicle, buffer. All error bars indicate mean ± s.e.m. Scale bars in b, d are 100 μm.