Effect of p110γ or p110δ inhibition on SCF-dependent Akt/PKB phosphorylation and adhesion of mast cells. A, (Left panel) γKO and δD910A BMMCs were stimulated with SCF or vehicle (control) and Akt/PKB phosphorylation assessed by western blotting as described in Materials and Methods. A representative blot of two independent experiments is shown. (Middle and right panels), BMMCs were pretreated for 30 min with varying concentrations of inhibitors, followed by stimulation with SCF for 5 min and immunoblotted for Akt/PKB (phospho-Ser473 or total). IC50 values were determined by ratiometric analysis of immunoblots (data not shown), as described in the legend to Fig. 2. A representative immunoblot of three independent experiments is shown. B, Impact of genetic inactivation of PI3K isoforms on SCF-dependent mast cell adhesion. The experiment shown is representative of five independent experiments. C, Impact of pharmacologic inactivation of PI3K isoforms on SCF-dependent mast cell adhesion. Graphs show data from a representative experiment done at least three (AS-2252424) or two (IC87114) times, with identical results.