Determination of P2X2 domains that
prevent desensitization in the P2X1 receptor.
(A) Representative currents evoked by 10-s applications of
ATP (100 μM) to oocytes expressing six different chimeric receptors.
(B) Schematic representation of chimeras: grey,
P2X1; black, P2X2. Rectangles indicate
positions of putative membrane-spanning regions M1 and M2. Upper five
rows show P2X1 receptor and four chimeras in which
N-terminal segments of P2X2 were inserted into
P2X1. Lower row shows P2X1 receptor in which an
extended second transmembrane domain of P2X2 receptor was
inserted. Mean currents in chimeras 7-11 were
(measured in nA, number of oocytes in parentheses) 440 ± 58 (3),
1130 ± 260 (14), 1190 ± 420 (4), 788 ± 487 (3), and
319 ± 56 (14), respectively.