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. 2008 Dec;4(6):1201–1208. doi: 10.2147/tcrm.s3261

Table 1.

Clinical studies

Investigators Design Study doses Results
qd, SABA only
Bensch et al 2006 N = 196, 12 week, PC Primary outcome: change in FEV1 200 μg q AM Improvement with 200 μg (16.8%) vs placebo (6%)
Nayak et al 2000 N = 236, 12 week, PC Primary outcome: change in FEV1 200 μg q AM
400 μg q AM
Both doses better than placebo but 400 μg provided additional improvement
qd vs bid, SABA only
Kemp et al 2000 N = 306, 12 week, PC, Primary outcome: change in FEV1 200 μg q AM,
400 μg q AM
200 μg bid
Total of 400 μg/day effective, either in qd or bid regimen
Change in FEV1 for 200 μg bid (16.1%), 400 μg qd (16.0%) significant over placebo (5.5%)
qd vs bid, previous ICS
Noonan et al 2001 N = 286, 12 week, PC, Primary outcome: change in FEV1 200 μg bid,
200 μg q AM,
200 μg q PM,
400 μg q AM
400 μg q am maintained FEV1, lung function, symptom scores
200 μg q PM improved FEV1, not other measures
200 μg q AM not as effective
D’Urzo et al 2005 N = 400, 12 week, PC, Primary outcome: change in FEV1 200 μg QD,
400 μg 1 inhal qd PM
400 μg (2 inhal of 200 μg) qd PM
200 μg bid
All doses better than placebo, including lowest dose. Similar improvement for all doses
Karpel et al 2005 N = 268, 12 week, PC, Primary outcome: change in FEV1 400 μg q PM,
200 μg bid
Both doses better than placebo.
Similar improvement for all doses
Berger et al 2006 N = 296, 12 week, 4–11 y.o. 100 μg q AM,
100 μg bid
Both doses better than placebo.
Similar improvement for all doses
Reduced oral steroids in severe asthma
Fish et al 2000 N = 262, 12 week PC then 9 month open-label 400 μg bid
800 μg bid
OCS reduced by 46% (400 μg), 23.9% (800 μg), increased by 164.4% (placebo)
OCS eliminated in 40% (400 μg), 37% (800 μg), 0% (placebo)
Lung function and QofL improved
Karpel et al 2007 N = 123, 12-week, PC then 9-month open label HFA-227 MDI
400 μg bid
800 μg bid
OCS reduced by 39.4% (400 μg), 31.1% (800 μg), increased by 107.2% (placebo)
OCS reduced by ≥50% in 63% (400), 60% (800), 14% (P)
Overall results: (with open label extension) 67% OCS reduction, 51% OCS elimination
Schmier et al 2003 Open label extension of Fish et al (2000) 400 μg bid
800 μg bid
SF-36 HRQL (QofL) maintained or improved for 3 months of open label extension
Bousquet et al 2000 N = 12 week, AC Primary outcome: change in FEV1 MF 100, 200, 400 μg bid, BUD 400 μg bid MF 200, 400 bid superior to BUD 400 bid; MF 200 = 400 bid
Conclusion: total 400 μg
MF/day better than 800 μg BUD/day
Chervinsky et al 2002 N = 395, 4 week, PC Dose ranging, Primary outcome: change in FEV1 MF-MDI 56, 200, 500 pg bid, BDP 168 μg bid MF 200 pg bid better than MF 56 pg bid and BDP 168 μg bid
All doses improved lung function, symptom scores, QOL
No additional benefit from MF 500 pg bid
Corren et al 2003 N = 262, 8 week, PC Primary outcome: change in FEV1 MF 440 μg q AM
MF-DPI (8.9%) superior to BUD
DPI (2.1%) or placebo (−3.9%)
Nathan et al 2001 N = 227, 12 week, PC Primary outcome: change in FEV1 MF 100 μg or 200 μg bid
BDP 168 μg bid
All doses better than placebo
MF 200 μg bid most effective
O’Connor et al 2001 N = 733, 12 week, AC Dose-ranging Primary outcome: change in FEV1 MF 100,200, or 400 μg bid
FP diskhaler 250 μg bid
All doses improved outcome
MF 400 μg /day comparable to FP 500 μg per day
MF 800 μg /day no additional benefit. MF 200 μg /day least effective
Wardlaw et al 2004 N = 167, 8-week, open label, on previous FP Primary outcome: change in FEV1 MF 400 μg q PM
FP MDI 250 μg bid
“Comparable efficacy” between MF (4.58%) and FP (6.98%)

Abbreviations: AC, active controlled; BUD, budesonide; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; PC, placebo controlled; FP, fluticasone proprionate; MDI, metered dose inhaler; MF, mometasone furoate; OCS; chronic oral corticosteroids.