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. 2008 Jun 19;178(5):444–452. doi: 10.1164/rccm.200703-409OC



Protein Molecular Weight (D) Accession Number Corresponding SELDI Peak (D) Confirmed by PMF Confirmed by MS/MS Confirmed By Antibody Direction of Change in Suppuration
Calgranulin A 10,834 P05109 10,834, 10,596 Yes Yes Yes Increased
Calgranulin B 12,960 P06702 12,960, 13,200 Yes Yes Yes Increased
Calgranulin C 10,100 P80511 10,100 Yes Yes No Increased
Clara cell secretory protein 7,900 P11684 7,900 Yes Yes Yes Decreased
Proline rich salivary peptide 8,188 P02814 8,119 No Yes No Decreased
Lysosyme C precursor 16,537 P61626 14,600 Yes Yes No No Change
Cystatin s 16,204 P01036 16,079 No Yes No No Change
hemoglobin alpha 15,117 P69905 15,080 No Yes No No Change

Definition of abbreviations: PMF = peptide mass fingerprinting; SELDI = surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization.

Proteins were identified by trypsin digest and PMF and well as tandem MS/MS. When available, antibodies were used to confirm protein identification by Western blot. Molecular weight refers to the theoretical molecular weight of each protein as derived from sequence. Corresponding SELDI peak refers to the protein peak seen on SELDI analysis of sputum fluid phase (differences in molecular weight may represent post-translational modifications).