Mp11 is located in SLIs and paranodes. Immunohistochemistry on teased nerve preparations from adult rat sciatic nerve was performed with antibodies that recognize Mp11 or the indicated proteins to identify the location of Mp11. A–C, Double labeling with antibodies against Mp11 and α-tubulin III (Tuj1), an axonal marker, demonstrate that Mp11 expression is restricted to Schwann cells. D–F, Double labeling with antibodies against Mp11 and E-cadherin, a marker for SLIs, demonstrates that Mp11 is present in these structures. The inset in F is a higher-magnification image. G–I, Double labeling with antibodies against Mp11 and Caspr, a paranodal marker, reveals Mp11 is located in paranodes. The inset in I is a higher-magnification image. J–L, Double labeling with antibodies against Mp11 and NaV (pan sodium channel), a marker of the node of Ranvier, demonstrates the close proximity of Mp11 to the node. The inset in L is a higher-magnification image. Scale bars: A–F, 40 μm; G–L, 20 μm.