Vaccination with DCs containing beads coated with NS5, LPS, and anti-CD40 induces NS5-specific immunity in vivo. Groups of animals were inoculated three times at 2-week intervals with beads coated with NS5, LPS, and anti-CD40; DCs that contained beads coated with LPS and anti-CD40; or DCs that contained beads coated with NS5, LPS, and anti-CD40. Vaccinated animals were subcutaneously administered 1 × 106 myeloma cells stably expressing HCV NS5 2 weeks after the last inoculation. Mice vaccinated with DCs that contained beads coated with NS5, LPS, and anti-CD40 showed significantly less NS5-specific tumor cell growth than the other two groups (*, P < 0.01) (left). On day 15 of growth, the tumors were dissected, weighed, and compared. Data are the means ± standard errors of the means of weights of tumors obtained from eight mice in each group (*, P < 0.01 compared to the other two groups) (right).