Summary of genotypes and phenotypes in mice of candidate vaccine viruses
Virus namea | Genotypeb | MDTc (h) | MLD50d | Max % wt loss (SD)e | Lowest protective dose (EID50)f |
VN HALo/627K/NS FL | PB2 627K, PB1, PA, HALo, NP, NA, M, NS | 64, 61 | >106 | 18 (4) | 103 |
VN HALo/627K/NS 1-126 | PB2 627K, PB1, PA, HALo, NP, NA, M, NS 1-126 | 45, 54 | >106 | 15 (3) | 104 |
VN HALo/627K/NS 1-99 | PB2 627K, PB1, PA, HALo, NP, NA, M, NS 1-99 | 54, 49 | >106 | ND | 104 |
VN HALo/627K/NS 1-73 | PB2 627K, PB1, PA, HALo, NP, NA, M, NS 1-73 | 62, 63 | >106 | 19 (8) | 104 |
VN HALo/627E/NS FL | PB2 627E, PB1, PA, HALo, NP, NA, M, NS | 58, 61 | >106 | 2 (9) | 104 |
VN HALo/627E/NS 1-126 | PB2 627E, PB1, PA, HALo, NP, NA, M, NS 1-126 | 51, 54 | >106 | ND | 106 |
VN HALo/627E/NS 1-99 | PB2 627E, PB1, PA, HALo, NP, NA, M, NS 1-99 | 52, 47 | >106 | ND | 105 |
VN HALo/627E/NS 1-73 | PB2 627E, PB1, PA, HALo, NP, NA, M, NS 1-73 | 57, 52 | >106 | ND | 106 |
The virus name refers to the abbreviated description of the genotype used to identify each virus throughout the paper.
All segments are derived from the A/Viet Nam/1203/04 virus. HALo refers to the HA segment of A/Viet Nam/1203/04 with the polybasic cleavage site removed, as described for Fig. 1. Numbers following the NS segment refer to the number of amino acids present in the NS1 protein starting from the amino-terminal methionine. Numbers following the PB2 segment refer to the identity of amino acid residue 627 in the PB2 protein.
Mean time to death of eggs infected with VN1203 viruses. The results of two independent experiments are shown.
The number of EID50 units required to kill 50% of groups of 6- to 8-week-old C57BL/6 mice (n = 4).
The maximum average weight loss of groups of mice (n = 4) upon vaccination with 106 EID50 of virus. ND, no weight loss detected. Values in parentheses represent standard deviations from the means.
The lowest dose of vaccination virus which subsequently conferred 100% protection from death following inoculation with 1,000 MLD50 of challenge virus.