FIG. 7.
Pol II preloaded genes are induced by E2 more rapidly than Pol II recruited genes. (A and B) Gene-specific analysis of mRNA expression for representative Pol II preloaded (A) or Pol II recruited (B) genes in MCF-7 cells before or after E2 treatment for 1, 3, and 6 h. The E2 response is shown as the percentage of the maximum E2 response for each individual gene. Each bar represents the mean plus the SEM (n ≥ 3). (C) Averaging of E2 responses for all Pol II preloaded and Pol II recruited genes shown in panels A and B, respectively. Error bars represent the SEM. The associated t test P value for differences between the two points at 1 h is shown. (D) Scatterplot of absolute E2 responses for all Pol II preloaded and Pol II recruited genes, as determined by expression microarray analysis of MCF-7 cells treated with or without E2 for 3 h. The horizontal lines represent the mean for each class of genes. (E) Biological functions of E2-stimulated genes containing preloaded Pol II. Pol II preloaded genes, which are induced earlier than Pol II recruited genes, play key roles in propagating or attenuating estrogen signaling. See the text for details.