Smoothed plot of the relative risk of colorectal cancer according to intake of soy foods. The amount of soy food intake was assessed by dry weight (g/d). The relative risks were estimated by restricted cubic-spline Cox regression analysis with knots placed at the 5th, 50th, and 95th percentiles of intake, after adjustment for age, birth year, education, household income, physical activity, BMI, menopausal status, family history of colorectal cancer, total calorie intake, and average intakes of fruit, vegetables, red meat, nonsoy calcium, nonsoy fiber, and nonsoy folic acid. The median value of the first tertile of intake was treated as the reference point. Participants with an intake of soy foods above the 99th percentile were not plotted. Point estimates are indicated by a solid line and 95% CIs by dashed lines. P for nonlinear relation = 0.69, P for overall significance of curve = 0.004, and P for linear relation = 0.0009.