Fig. 2.
Distribution of moesin in gastric glands is different from that of ezrin. Gastric glands isolated from rabbit were fixed, permeabilized, and stained with an anti-ezrin antibody (A) or an anti-moesin antibody (B and C). Ezrin and moesin staining was revealed with an Alexa Fluor 555-conjugated secondary antibody. All the glands were also stained with FITC-conjugated phalloidin for F-actin. Images were collected with a confocal microscope. To obtain the complete images of a full-length gland, pictures of different area were taken separately and pieced together with Photoshop software (A and B). In B a single gland is shown with the 4 major anatomical regions noted by brackets. C: a higher magnification is shown for the moesin staining in the base of the gland. Arrows point to the branched lumen of the gland, with moesin staining not connected to any parietal cells. Bar = 50 μm.