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. 2009 Jan 19;9:23. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-9-23

Table 4.

Adjusted association between illicit drug use, and reported risky sexual behaviors and STI symptoms among men between 18 to 30 years in PSJM sample (n = 312).

Intercourse with a
casual partner during
the last year
Sex with a casual partner,
sex worker or MSM under
the influence of alcohol
during the last 3 months
Ever had any STI symptom

Model 1b Model 2b Model 1c Model 2c Model 1d Model 2d

aOR 95% CI p aOR
95% CI
p aOR
95% CI
p aOR
95% CI
p aOR
95% CI
p aOR
95% CI

Heavy episodic drinking - - 2.0 0.019 - - 3.1 0.004 - - 1.0 0.945
(1.1–3.7) (1.4–6.8) (0.4–2.7)
Ever illicit drug use* 3.2 < 0.001 2.5 0.002 2.5 0.012 1.8 0.147 3.4 0.007 3.3 0.014
(1.8–5.6) (1.4–4.7) (1.2–5.2) (0.8–3.8) (1.4–8.1) (1.3–8.6)
Age Ψ 0.9 0.042 0.9 0.044 0.9 0.117 0.9 0.158 1.0 0.546 1.0 0.545
(0.8–0.9) (0.8–0.9) (0.8–1.0) (0.8–1.0) (0.9–1.2) (0.9–1.2)
Education £ 1.2 0.564 1.2 0.496 1.6 0.209 1.7 0.171 1.4 0.468 1.4 0.467
(0.6–2.2) (0.7–2.3) (0.8–3.6) (0.8–3.9) (0.5–3.8) (0.5–3.9)
Employment¥ 1.3 0.411 1.2 0.604 3.0 0.007 2.7 0.022 1.9 0.273 1.9 0.274
(0.7–2.8) (0.6–2.5) (1.4–6.8) (1.2–6.2) (0.6–5.7) (0.6–5.7)
Marital status ∞ 4.6 0.006 4.5 0.007 3.7 0.088 3.4 0.108 0.4 0.070 0.4 0.070
(1.5–13.7) (1.5–13.6) (0.8–16.4) (0.8–15.4) (0.1–1.1) (0.1–1.1)

Heavy episodic drinking: yes vs. no (ref)

* Ever use illicit drug: yes vs. no (ref)

Ψ Age: continuous

£ Educational level: High school or less vs. College (ref)

¥ Employment: unemployed vs. employed or student (ref)

∞ Marital status: single vs. married or cohabitant (ref)