Figure 4.
Comparison of Batman-analyzed MeDIP-seq data with bisulfite-PCR sequencing data from the Human Epigenome Project (a) MeDIP-seq read depth (i.e. the number of confidently placed reads overlapping a given point in the genome) for points overlapping HEP amplicons, plotted against total CpG coupling factor. Points are colored according to sperm DNA methylation (yellow – blue represents 0 – 100% methylation), as measured by in HEP16. (b) MeDIP-seq versus sperm bisulfite-PCR sequencing data from the Human Epigenome Project (HEP)16. 100 bp MeDIP-seq tiles are plotted against 1,322 overlapping HEP bisulfite-PCR amplicons. As in Figure 2b, HEP methylation values for all CpGs that overlapped any given 100bp MeDIP-seq tile were averaged, and all 100 bp windows were required to have at least 2 HEP scores (i.e. either data from the top and bottom strand for a single CpG site, or at least 2 CpG sites) that differed by <50%. The purple – yellow (0 -30) color bar on the right of each figure shows the total CpG coupling factor for each 100 bp tile. The same data stratified by CpG density is displayed in Supplementary Figure 4 online.