Figure 2. Pcdh-γs localize to retinal plexiform layers during postnatal development.
(A-D) Immunolabeling of Pcdh-γfusg/fusg retina at P0 (A), P3 (B), P7 (C), and P14 (D), with GFP antibody. At P0 and P3, Pcdh-γ-GFP proteins are present in the IPL and retinal axon layer (arrow), and are distributed around cell somata in the neuroblast layer (NBL; other abbreviations as in Figure 1). At P3, Pcdh-γs are also present in presumptive horizontal cells (asterisk; inset in B). By P7, Pcdh-γ-GFPs are detected in the emerging OPL, as it develops between the ONL and INL. By P14, the adult pattern of Pcdh-γ-GFP localization (see Figure 1) is attained. Scale bar, 20 μm; 10 μm in inset.