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. 2008 Dec 15;6(1):A30.

Table 2.

Estimated α and β Parameters Based on the 2-Parameter Item Response Theory Model, Rhode Island, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2004

Indicatora Discrimination Parameter: αb Estimate (95% CI) Difficulty Parameter: βb Estimate (95% CI)
Poor or fair general health 1.51 (1.34-1.69) 2.60 (2.41-2.80)
Activity limitationc 3.18 (2.57-3.80) 2.97 (2.77-3.17)
Physically unhealthyc 2.21 (1.91-2.50) 2.65 (2.47-2.84)
Pain-related activity limitationc 1.80 (1.57-2.04) 2.85 (2.65-3.06)
Lack of energyc 1.20 (1.06-1.33) 1.86 (1.68-2.04)
Mentally unhealthyc 1.45 (1.25-1.64) 3.11 (2.86-3.35)
Sad, blue, or depressedc 1.75 (1.50-2.01) 3.19 (2.95-3.42)
Worried, tense, or anxiousc 1.29 (1.12-1.46) 2.98 (2.74-3.23)
Lack of rest or sleepc 0.69 (0.59-0.79) 2.84 (2.52-3.15)

Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.


Variable descriptions are included in the Methods section and in Jiang et al (1).


Significant for all 9 indicators.


Respondents reported this indicator for ≥14 days/month.