The mouse CPM gene. (A) Representation of the mouse CPM gene, mRNA and protein showing the exons as numbered blocks, the untranslated and the coding regions in yellow and blue respectively, and the poly-A signals (PA1 to 8) as red lines. The dark blue block represents the Mdm2 gene last exon. (B) The cDNA fragments for the mouse CPM gene coding region obtained in two independent RT-PCRs. (C) Genomic DNA sequence of the 5'end of the mouse CPM gene indicating the positions of the CPM exon 1 (yellow block), three sense CAGE-tags (green arrow) and one anti-sense CAGE-tag (red arrow). (D) The 3'RACE PCRs from: adult mouse lung (1), 14 day embryo (2), 14 day placenta (3) and no template as negative control (0). (E) Long range RT-PCRs to evaluate the use of mouse CPM Poly-A signals 2 to 8. (F) Mouse CPM specific northern blot of total RNA from: 14 day embryo RNA (1), 14 day placenta RNA (2), 14 day embryo red organs (3), 18 day placenta (4) and 18 day embryo red organs (5). The position of the ribosomal RNAs 28S and 18S are indicated as blue dots, and the approximated size of the visualized bands in number of nucleotides are shown at right in black. The RT-PCRs and 3'RACE results shown here are negative images of UV light visualized 1% agarose gel electrophoresis stained with ethidium bromide, and M indicates the DNA size standards with some of their DNA fragments size shown as base pairs.