Fig. 5.
Ambystoma ordinarium (Amphibia): ventral view of the cephalic musculature; on the right side the most ventral muscles were removed (modified from Diogo, 2008; the nomenclature of the structures illustrated follows that used in the present work; anterior is to the top). BH, branchiohyoideus; ch, ceratohyal; DM-A, DM-P, depressor mandibulae anterior and posterior; GG, genioglossus; GH, geniohyoideus; INTE-A, INTE-P, anterior and posterior bundles of interhyoideus; INTM-A, INTM-P, intermandibularis anterior and posterior; l-ch-mand, ligament between ceratohyal and mandible; mnd, mandible; OH, omohyoideus; SAR1, subarcualis rectus 1; SH, sternohyoideus; uh, urohyal.