Pan troglodytes(Mammalia, Primates): A) lateral view of the laryngeal musculature; B) same view, but the thyrohyoideus, sternothyroideus, constrictor pharyngis inferior and cricothyroideus were removed and the lateral portions of the thyroid cartilage and hyoid bone were partially cut [modified from Starck & Schneider (1960) and Saban (1968); the nomenclature of the structures illustrated basically follows that used in the present work; anterior is to the top, dorsal is to the right: see text]. ARY, arytenoideus; CRAL, cricoarytenoideus lateralis; CRAP, cricoarytenoideus posterior; cric, cricoid cartilage; CRTO, CRTR, pars obliqua and pars recta of cricothyroideus; epigl, epiglottis; IPC, constrictor pharyngis inferior; STT, sternothyroideus; THAR, thyroarytenoideus; THH, thyrohyoideus; thyr, thyroid cartilage.