Gene structure schematic illustrating transcript targets of exon-junction RT–PCR primers (connected lines) for the six mRNA splicing regulator genes investigated by RT–PCR for D. melanogaster. Exons are shown as boxes (solid boxes, coding regions; open boxes, UTRs) connected by introns (lines), with each transcript aligned against the cytogenic scale. (A) RT–PCR primers for transcripts mub-RA,-RB and mub-RD. (B) RT–PCR primers for transcripts Rm62-RA,-RD and Rm62-RE. (C) RT–PCR primers for transcripts B52-RA,-RC,-RE,-RG,-RH and B52-RB. (D) RT–PCR primers for transcripts Psi-RA/Psi-RB,-RC. (E) RT–PCR primers for transcripts sqd-RD and sqd-RA and exon-specific microarray probes (arrows). (F) RT–PCR primers for transcripts ps-RB,-RJ and ps-RC and exon-specific microarray probes (arrows).