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. 2008 Aug;4(1):108–122.


Evaluation of four models

Evaluation criteria Status quo model Standard facility/clinic site Fixed outreach site Mobile outreach service
Entitlement documents not required for healthcare or for ancillary services poor excellent excellent excellent
Service available at venues likely to suit homeless persons poor well excellent excellent
Collaboration with public health authorities on harm reduction strategies poor well adequate adequate
Multidisciplinary team care poor excellent excellent excellent
Established referral routes for specialty services excellent excellent excellent adequate
Social work assistance available for benefit entitlement, housing poor excellent excellent well
Service available at times likely to suit homeless persons poor well adequate excellent
Evidence of reduced emergency room use poor adequate unknown unknown
Special expertise in areas germane to the clinical conditions of homeless persons, e.g., substance abuse, sexually transmitted diseases poor excellent excellent well
User involvement in service planning and operation poor poor poor adequate
Appropriate access to electronic medical records by multiple providers poor well adequate well
Mechanisms to contact patients poor well fair fair
Hospital liaison for planning discharge poor unknown poor poor

Assessment scale: poor–fair–adequate–well–excellent.