For decision-makers |
Increased interaction with researchers
Allows decision-makers easy access to researchers to support decision-making
Conduit for interactions with external health services research expertise
Helps foster innovation
Allows development of a more relevant research agenda
Greater potential for research findings to influence decision-making
Greater potential to draw on external research funding sources to support organization objectives
Resources for researchers may be used for some projects that are not specifically focused on the organization
Researchers' timelines are often too long to be useful for decision-makers
Requires organizational resources that could be used for other purposes, including service provision
For health services researchers |
Increased interaction with decision-makers
Allows development of a more relevant research agenda
Greater potential for research findings to influence decision-making
Facilitates development of researcher/decision-maker collaborations required for many grant funding competitions
Facilitates access to organizational data sources
Less control over research agenda
Dilemma between methodological rigour appropriate for academic audiences and relevance/timeliness for decision-maker audiences
Involvement of decision-makers in research projects can result in more complex research ethics contexts
Confusion around performance assessment