Figure 4.
Comparison of reversing the capture and detection reagents in the capture ELISA assay using brain lysates from uninfected and infected hamsters, sheep and deer. Studies using 5D6 as the capture reagent and 11F12 as the biotinylated detection reagent (5D6/Biotin 11F12) are compared to using 11F12 as the capture reagent and 5D6 as the biotinylated detection reagent (11F12/Biotin 5D6). Each assay was performed in triplicate on six individual samples for each species and the ELISA results calculated as the mean ± standard deviation. The increased antibody binding from infected samples (based on the OD405) are compared to the uninfected controls. Plotted on a logarithmic scale is the signal to noise ratio (S/N) as calculated from the signal power of the infected samples to the power in the control samples (noise).