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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2009 Mar 1.
Published in final edited form as: Epilepsia. 2008 May 29;49(12):1980–1997. doi: 10.1111/j.1528-1167.2008.01683.x

Location of activation peaks in the atlas of Talairach and Tournoux (1988).

Passive Words > Rest
Location BA x y z z-score
Superior Temporal
    L planum temporale 42/22 −52 −25 6 6.16
    L planum temporale 42/22 −43 −31 7 6.04
    L Heschl's g. 41/42 −30 −29 10 5.30
    L ant. STG 22 −48 6 −4 4.99
    L ant. STS 21/22 −54 −9 −4 4.99
    R STG 22 53 −20 4 5.47
    R ant. STG 22 58 −6 −2 5.01
    R ant. STG 22/38 44 5 −11 4.56
    R ant. STG 22/38 35 5 −17 4.52
    L precentral g. 6 −47 −3 29 5.27
    L SFG 6 −6 20 44 4.86
    L post. ITG 37 −42 −54 −10 4.60
Passive Words > Passive Tones
Location BA x y z z-score
Superior Temporal
    L ant. STS 21/22 −54 −10 −6 4.79
    L STS 21/22 −50 −29 1 4.36
Semantic Decision > Rest
Location BA x y z z-score
Medial Frontal
    L SMA 6 −1 5 46 7.03
    L SMA 6 −3 −6 60 4.43
    L ant. cingulate g. 24 −10 10 40 6.24
    L ant. cingulate g. 24 −5 27 28 4.40
    R ant. cingulate g. 32 3 16 41 6.42
    R SMA 6 5 2 61 4.73
Lateral Frontal
    L pars operc./IFS 44/8 −44 13 26 6.30
    L precentral s. 6 −39 4 31 5.72
    L precentral s. 6/44 −38 2 18 5.42
    L post. MFG 6 −30 4 56 4.90
    L post. MFG 8 −38 −3 58 4.79
    L precentral g. 6 −38 −9 50 4.48
    R pars triang./IFS 45/46 44 23 30 4.71
Anterior Insula
    L ant. insula - −33 19 2 5.74
    L ant. insula - −34 17 12 5.73
    R ant. insula - 33 18 −3 6.19
    R ant. insula - 34 19 11 5.33
Superior Temporal
    L HG 41 −49 −15 1 7.00
    L STG 22 −60 −23 6 6.35
    L ant. STG 22 −48 −1 −5 5.63
    L planum parietale 22/40 −35 −38 19 4.54
    R HG 42 46 −20 12 6.47
    R STG 22 58 −12 −1 6.45
    R post. STS 21 53 −35 6 5.25
Other Cortical
    L IPS 7 −28 −61 33 4.96
    L cingulate isthmus 30 −6 −49 4 5.23
    R lingual g. 17 18 −90 0 4.61
    R lingual g. 17 19 −77 6 4.49
    L caudate - −13 −6 18 5.78
    L putamen - −20 1 5 4.98
    L globus pallidus - −15 −8 −3 4.78
    L med. geniculate body - −17 −21 −5 5.27
    L med. thalamus - −6 −18 12 5.26
    L midbrain - −5 −21 −7 5.55
    R putamen - 20 1 16 6.48
    R putamen - 20 8 4 6.42
    R corona radiata - 22 −15 19 5.65
    R ant. thalamus - 6 −15 13 5.29
    R ant. thalamus - 7 −10 3 4.73
    R ventral thalamus - 9 −24 −1 4.99
    R cerebral peduncle - 19 −21 −3 5.20
    midbrain tectum - −1 −27 0 5.20
    L lat. cerebellum - −37 −54 −25 5.66
    L med. cerebellum - −9 −65 −17 5.34
    R med. cerebellum - 9 −67 −23 5.55
    R cerebellum - 30 −50 −25 4.43
Semantic Decision > Tone Decision
Location BA x y z z-score
Dorsal Prefrontal
    L SFS 6 −25 14 53 7.49
    L SFG 8 −8 31 46 6.02
    L SFS 10 −23 53 6 5.85
    L SFG 6 −5 18 57 5.84
    L SFG 10 −8 60 16 5.58
    L SFG 9 −11 49 37 5.30
    L post. MFG 6 −32 4 59 5.17
    L SFG 8 −19 35 48 4.92
    SFG 6 0 18 45 5.95
Lateral Frontal
    L ant. MFG 10 −33 47 4 6.24
    L ant. IFS 46/10 −39 36 −1 6.20
    L IFS 44/6 −41 8 30 6.06
    L IFS 46 −35 16 26 5.16
    L pars triang. 45 −52 26 5 5.86
    L pars triang. 45 −46 17 24 5.61
    L pars triang. 45 −45 19 9 5.00
    L pars orbitalis 47 −44 22 −4 5.83
    L pars orbitalis 47 −29 21 −5 5.66
    L pars orbitalis 47/45 −49 34 −1 5.17
    L pars orbitalis 47 −28 16 −18 4.92
    R pars orbitalis 47 39 25 −7 5.18
Medial Frontal
    L gyrus rectus 12 −2 28 −15 5.13
    L ant. cingulate g. 32 −10 35 27 4.91
    L orbital frontal pole 10/11 −17 59 −7 4.48
Ventral Temporal
    L ant. STS 21/22 −57 −9 −8 5.67
    L ant. STS 21/22 −48 −9 −8 4.84
    L STS 21/22 −39 −15 −15 5.20
    L MTG 21 −56 −39 −6 4.91
    L post. ITG 37 −45 −51 −14 5.48
    L post. ITS 37 −45 −45 −2 4.61
    L fusiform g. 20/36 −32 −31 −16 5.94
    L ant. fusiform g. 36 −30 −17 −25 5.89
    L ant. fusiform g. 20/36/38 −29 −9 −32 4.93
Angular Gyrus
    L angular g. 39 −37 −66 50 6.36
    L angular g. 39 −45 −68 25 5.96
    L angular g. 39 −42 −75 32 5.31
    L angular g. 39 −30 −59 29 5.14
    R angular g. 39 46 −67 34 4.80
Posterior Medial
    L post. cingulate g. 30 −4 −53 10 5.92
    L precuneus 31 −12 −63 27 4.87
    L cingulate isthmus 27 −9 −31 −3 4.73
    L ant. thalamus - −4 −3 13 5.17
    L cerebral peduncle - −11 −15 −9 4.65
    R caudate head - 14 3 11 4.48
    L med. cerebellum - −6 −77 −30 5.57
    R med. cerebellum - 14 −76 −26 6.64
    R lat. cerebellum - 38 −72 −39 6.04
    R lat. cerebellum - 33 −59 −36 5.71
    R post. cerebellum - 23 −83 −34 5.53
    R cerebellum - 25 −68 −28 4.75
Semantic Decision > Phoneme Decision
Location BA x y z z-score
Dorsal Prefrontal
    L SFG 6/8 −15 18 50 6.65
    L SFG 8 −8 28 45 6.23
    L SFS 6 −25 16 55 6.19
    L SFG 9 −12 51 37 5.63
    L SFG 8 −7 34 54 5.55
    L SFG 9 −10 55 18 5.04
    L SFG 9 −16 43 30 4.98
    L SFG 9 −12 41 44 4.94
Ventral Prefrontal
    L pars orbitalis 47 −33 28 −8 6.76
    L pars orbitalis 47/11 −21 22 −17 4.57
    L susorbital s. 12/32 −8 38 −9 5.19
    L med. orbital g. 11 −11 23 −13 5.09
    L ant. MFG 10 −44 41 −6 4.54
    L ant. MFG 10 −30 51 0 4.42
    L frontal pole 10 −18 63 8 4.36
    R pars orbitalis 47 30 29 −8 5.39
Ventral Temporal
    L hippocampus - −30 −26 −12 6.25
    L hippocampus - −28 −36 −4 5.79
    L hippocampus - −11 −35 7 5.28
    L parahippocampus 28/35/36 −31 −20 −20 6.19
    L ant. fusiform g. 36 −28 −13 −28 4.86
    L ant. MTG 21 −53 −5 −18 5.00
    L ant. MTG 21 −62 −6 −12 4.95
    R collateral s. 28/35/36 25 −30 −15 5.40
    R fusiform g. 20/37 32 −38 −18 5.15
Angular Gyrus
    L angular g. 39 −45 −68 26 6.27
    L angular g. 39 −38 −77 28 5.31
    L angular g. 39 −53 −65 34 4.75
Posterior Medial
    L post. cingulate g. 30/23 −4 −51 11 5.60
    L post. cingulate g. 23 −20 −61 14 4.75
    L post. cingulate g.23 −8 −52 28 4.66
    L precuneus 31 −10 −63 25 5.29
    L cingulate isthmus 30 −13 −42 0 4.68
    R post. cingulate g. 23 2 −37 31 5.28
Occipital Pole
    L occipital pole 17/18 −19 −103 −5 5.48
    R occipital pole 18 29 −99 11 4.56
    R occipital pole 17/18 15 −103 10 4.53
    R lat. cerebellum - 44 −73 −34 5.83
    R lat. cerebellum - 32 −70 −36 5.67
    R post. cerebellum - 17 −84 −34 4.68
    R post. cerebellum - 31 −76 −25 4.56

Abbreviations: ant. = anterior, BA = approximate Brodmann area, g. = gyrus, med. = medial, IFS = inferior frontal sulcus, IPS = intraparietal sulcus, ITG = inferior temporal gyrus, L = left, lat. = lateral, MFG = middle frontal gyrus, MTG = middle temporal gyrus, operc. = opercularis, post. = posterior, R = right, SFG = superior frontal gyrus, SMA = supplementary motor area, STG = superior temporal gyrus, STS = superior temporal sulcus, triang. = triangularis