Hepatic expression of PDZ1.2, PDZ1.2.3, PDZ1.2.3.4 and pTEM transgenes. A, left, schematic diagrams of the full-length PDZK1 protein (SR-BI binding site and the region designated “C-Terminal Region” are indicated) and PDZ1 (30). A, right, schematic diagrams of the proteins encoded by the PDZ1.2 (top), PDZ1.2.3 (second), PDZ1.2.3.4 (third), and pTEM (bottom) transgenes. B, left panels, immunoblot analysis of hepatic expression of PDZ1.2, PDZ1.2.3, PDZ1.2.3.4, and pTEM proteins in PDZ1.2, PDZ1.2.3, PDZ1.2.3.4, and pTEM transgenic mice. Hepatic protein levels are shown in nontransgenic WT and PDZK1 KO mice (lanes 1 and 2), WT [PDZ1.2-Tg] and PDKZI KO [PDZ1.2-Tg] mice (lanes 3 and 4), WT[PDZ1.2.3-Tg] and PDZK1 KO [PDZ1.2.3-Tg] mice (lanes 5 and 6), WT [PDZ1.2.3.4-Tg] and PDZK1 KO [PDZ1.2.3.4-Tg] mice (lanes 7 and 8), and WT [pTEM-Tg] and PDZK1 KO [pTEM-Tg] mice (lanes 9 and 10). The data for PDZ1.2.3.4-Tg were from an independent blot. B, right panels, immunoblot analysis of steady-state levels of hepatic expression of PDZ1.2, PDZ1.2.3, PDZ1.2.3.4, and pTEM proteins in corresponding transgenic WT and PDZK1 KO mice from two different founders for each transgene.ε-COP (∼34 kDa) was used as a loading control. * indicates background bands.