Figure 3.
Effect of AGFa microstimulation on tuning consistency at aligned and nonaligned sites. A) Top: Firing rate as a function of stimulus ITD for trials without AGFa microstimulation. Each line represents the firing rates evoked (ordinate) to a range of stimulus ITDs (abscissa) on a repetition of a complete set of ITD values. Open circles along abscissa represent the best ITDs (see Experimental Procedures) calculated for each repetition. Bottom: Firing rate as a function of stimulus ITD for trials with AGFa microstimulation. Conventions are the same as in Top. B) Distribution of consistency indices for aligned sites (see Experimental Procedures). The distribution is shifted toward positive values indicating that the tuning of OT sites became more consistent with AGFa microstimulation. Black bars indicate individual sites at which a significant difference in tuning variance was observed. C) Distribution of consistency indices for nonaligned sites. The distribution is shifted toward negative values indicating that the tuning of OT sites became less consistent with AGFa microstimulation. Black bars indicate individual sites at which a significant difference in tuning variance was observed.