Table 2.
Method | Name in CMA | Range | Signification |
gbmCMA | n.trees | 1, 2,... | number of base learners (decision trees) |
LassoCMA | norm.fraction | [0;1] | relative bound imposed on the ℓ1 norm on the weight vector |
knnCMA | k | 1, 2,...,|ℒ| | number of nearest neighbours |
nnetCMA | size | 1, 2, ... | number of units in the hidden layer |
scdaCMA | delta | ℝ+ | shrinkage towards zero applied to the centroids |
svmCMA | cost | ℝ+ | cost: controls the violations of the margin of the hyperplane |
gamma | ℝ+ | controls the width of the Gaussian kernel (if used) |
The first column gives the method name, whereas the name of the hyperparameter in the CMA package is given in the second column. The third column gives the range of the parameter and the fourth column its signification.