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. 2008 Nov 6;23(1):25–34. doi: 10.1210/me.2007-0508

Table 1.

Data collection and refinement statistics

Unit cell dimensions
 a (Å) 46.9
 b (Å) 67.2
 c (Å) 82.7
Space group P212121
Molecules per asymmetric unit 1 PC-SF-1/PGC-1 complex
Resolution (Å) 2.2
Number of unique reflections 13267
Completeness (%)a 95.9 (91.2)
Data redundancya 3.7 (2.9)
<I/ς(I)a* 15.1 (3.0)
Rsymm (%)a,b 7.0 (24.0)
Refinement (25.0–2.2 Å)
ς-cutoff None
Ra 22.1 (28.3)
Rfreea,c 25.0 (30.0)
Rms deviation from ideality
Bond length (A)* 0.007
Bond angle (degrees) 1.81
Average B factor (Å2) 36.8

Numbers in parentheses show the last resolution shell (2.3–2.2 Å). rms, Root mean square. 


Rsymm = ΣhIh – I /Σh I, where (I) is the mean intensity of reflection h. 


Rfree is for 5% of total reflections.