Fig. 2.
Chlordecone activates ERα. (A) HEK 293 cells were cotransfected with the Gal4 luciferase reporter and chimeras in which Gal4 DNA binding domain was fused to the indicated nuclear receptor ligand-binding domain. (B) Expression vectors for human ERα or ERβ were cotransfected with luciferase report construct containing ER response element [ERE(EFP)Tkluc] plasmid along with the CMX-β-gal internal control. Cells were treated with ethanol as vehicle, 10 μM CD or 1 nM E2 (ER agonist). Values were presented as the mean relative luciferase induction from triplicate assays±SE. Significant differences from appropriate controls detected as described in Materials and methods were indicated by an asterisk.