Table 1.
Note.-UE = upper eyelid, LE = lower eyelid, Conj = conjunctiva, LG = lacrimal gland, Seb. ca = sebaceous carcinoma, SCC = squamous cell carcinoma, Adenoca = adenocarcinoma , ACC = adenoid cystic carcinoma, Tx = treatment, IP = intra-parotid lymph nodes, PP = peri-parotid lymph nodes, II = upper jugular cervical lymph nodes, EX = mass excision, PA = parotidectomy, ND = neck lymph node dissection, RT = radiation therapy, OE = wide excision of tumor with orbital exenteration, MX = maxillectomy, NED = no evidence of disease, DOD = died of disease, AWD = alive with disease, F/U = follow up, *This patient had follow-up PET/CT (number 10 in follow-up setting).