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. 2007 Jan;4(1):108–116. doi: 10.1513/pats.200607-141JG



Candidate Gene Location Association* Comment References
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 17q23 C Increased risk for ID and DD genotypes 23, 24, 132134
Moderate association between II genotype and radiographic progression
C-C chemokine receptor 2 3p21.3 C+/− Protection/LS association 6, 2931
C-C chemokine receptor 5 3p21.3 C− Association of CCR5Delta32 allele more common in patients needing corticosteroid therapy. Refuted with haplotype analysis and larger sample. 31, 35
CD80, CD86 3q21 No association detected 43
Clara cell 10 kD protein 11q 12-13 C A allele associated with sarcoidosis and with progressive disease at 3 yr follow-up. 40
Complement receptor 1 1q32 A The GG genotype for the Pro1827Arg(C(5,507)G) polymorphism was significantly associated with sarcoidosis. 48
Cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator 7q31.2 A+/− R75Q increases risk. 51, 53
HSPA1L heat shock protein 70 1 like (alias heat shock protein 70-hom) 6p21.3 C HSP(+2437)CC associated with susceptibility and LS 60
Inhibitor κB-α 14q13 C Association with −297T allele. Association of haplotype GTT at −881, −826, and −297, respectively. Allele −827T in Stage II. 65
IL-1α 2q14 A The IL-1α −889 1.1 genotype increased risk. 68
IL-4 receptor 16p11.2 No association detected in 241 members of 62 families 70
IL-18 11q22 A+/− Genotype −607CA increased risk over AA. No association with organ involvement. 7275
IFN-γ 9p22 A IFNA17 polymorphism (551T→G) and IFNA10 [60A] IFN-α17 [551G] haplotype increased risk. 77
Natural resistance associated macrophage protein 2q35 A Protective effect of (CA)(n) repeat in the immediate 5′ region of the NRAMP1 gene 81
Toll-like receptor 4 9q32 B Asp299Gly and Thre399Ile mutations associated with chronic disease 87
TGF 19q13.2 B TGF-β2 59941 allele, TGF-β3 4875 A and 17369 C alleles were associated with chest X-ray detection of fibrosis. 85
TNF-α 6p21.3 C+/− Genotype −307A allele associated with Lofgren's syndrome and erythema nodosum and −857T allele with sarcoidosis. −307A not associated in African Americans. 23, 9295
VEGF 6p12 C Protective effect of +813 CT and TT genotypes 135
Vitamin D receptor 12q12-14 A− BsmI allele elevated in sarcoidosis patients 23, 106, 107

Definition of abbreviations: IL = interleukin; LF = Löfgren's syndrome; TNF = tumor necrosis factor; VEGF = vascular endothelial growth factor.


Type of association: A = susceptibility; B = disease course; C = both.

− = Association refuted; + = association replicated.