Figure 1.
Summary of genomic abnormalities in t(15;17) APL samples. Genomic DNA of 47 t(15;17) APL samples were subjected to SNP-chip analysis, and genomic abnormalities are summarized. Color boxes are used to denote the type and size of abnormalities: pink (copy-number-neutral loss of heterozygosity; CNN-LOH); green (deletion); and red (duplication including trisomy). A total of 28 patients (60%) showed no detectable genomic abnormalities (data not shown). In contrast, 19 patients (40%) had one or more genomic abnormalities: trisomy 8 or duplication of the MYC gene region either with or without genomic abnormalities was found in 8 patients (17%, referred as “+8”) and 11 patients (23%, referred as “other abnormalities”) had genomic abnormalities without trisomy 8. Six patients (13%) had CNN-LOH; and 1 sample in +8 group and 5 samples in other abnormalities group had FLT3 point mutations that are shown by their amino acid change at codon 835 from D (aspartic acid) to either Y (tyrosine), E (glutamic acid), or H (histidine).