Figure 2.
Gene Models and RT-PCR Analysis of dcd1 and add1.
(A) and (B) Gray lines indicate genome sequence, and black boxes represent exons 1 to 12. Triangles and arrows indicate the locations of the genetic lesions in dcd1 and add1.
(A) Gene model of maize dcd1.
(B) Gene model of maize add1.
(C) RT-PCR of dcd1 and gpch in the indicated genetic backgrounds. dcd1 full primers amplify the full-length message, while dcd1 3′ primers amplify only exons 8 to 12.
(D) RT-PCR of add1 and gpch in the indicated genetic backgrounds. add1 primers amplify exons 11 and 12. gpch is a 419-bp fragment of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehdrogenase subunit C and serves as an amplification control.