FIG. 6. Reversible interactions between Hsp70 and α–Syn.
A, immunoprecipitation of α–Syn from inhibition reactions. Five μg of α–Syn was immunoprecipitated from Hsp70-containing reactions at 0, 24, and 72h after incubation using Syn211 antibody. Total input (T), flow through (F), and immunoprecipitate (IP) representing 20%, 10% and 40% of each fraction were separated by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted for Hsp70 (3a3) or α–Syn (Syn303). B, schematic of α–Syn594 displacement assay. Assembly reactions containing labeled α–Syn (α–Syn594) were inhibited using substoichiometric quantities (1:10) of chaperone or GST as a control. After 72 h incubation, an equal amount of fresh monomeric α–Syn488 was added to each reaction. Aggregation was assessed by measuring the relative fluorescence of α–Syn594 and α–Syn488 in the soluble fractions following centrifugation at 100,000 × g. Reactions containing GST (C) or GST-Hsp70386-640 (D) were monitored immediately, 24, or 48 h after α–Syn488 was added. Black and grey lines denote soluble α–Syn594 and α–Syn488, respectively. Similar proportions of both α–Syn594 and α–Syn488 are found in the soluble fraction following extended incubation, indicating that previously bound α–Syn594 is readily displaceable. Data represent means from 4 independent reactions ± s.e.m.