Table 1.
E. coli strains and plasmids used in this work.
Construct | Relevant genotype | Reference / Source |
| ||
MG1655 | F−, λ−, rph-1 | This laboratory |
PK4811 | MG1655 but ΔfnrΩSpr / Smr | This laboratory |
PK8431 | PK4811 but ΔompT::kan | This study |
PK8436 | Same as PK8431 but with | This study |
pPK434 | ||
PK8499 | Same as PK8431 but with pPK437 | This study |
WO19 | ΔsufABCDSE19::kan | Storz/Imlay laboratories |
WO231 | MG1655 ΔsufD | F.W. Outten |
JOEY18 | MG1655 ΔytfE::kan | S. Spiro |
RZ4500 | MG1655 but lacZΔ145 | 58 |
PK3292 | RZ4500 but λPC25 | 24 |
PK3293 | PK3292 but ΔfnrΩSpr / Smr | 59 |
PK7692 | PK3292 but ΔiscS::cat | This study |
PK7694 | PK3292 but ΔiscU::kan | This study |
PK7696 | PK3292 but ΔiscA:: kan | This study |
PK7680 | PK3292 but ΔiscSUA::cat | This study |
PK7690 | PK3292 but ΔhscBAfdx::cat | This study |
PK7682 | PK3292 but Δ iscSUAhscBAfdx::cat | This study |
PK6463 | PK3292 but ΔcsdA::cat | This laboratory |
PK6465 | PK3292 but ΔsufABCDSE19:: kan | This study |
RZ7350 | RZ4500 but narG234::MudI1734 | 60 |
PK8245 | RZ7350 but ΔiscS::cat | This study |
PK8246 | RZ7350 but ΔiscU::cat | This study |
PK8247 | RZ7350 but ΔiscA::cat | This study |
PK8248 | RZ7350 but ΔiscSUA::cat | This study |
PK8249 | RZ7350 but ΔhscBAfdx::cat | This study |
PK8250 | RZ7350 but ΔiscSUAhscBAfdx::cat | This study |
PK8474 | RZ7350 but ΔsufABCDSE::cat | This study |
PK8479 | RZ7350 but ΔcsdA::cat | This study |
RZ8480 | RZ7350 but ΔfnrΩSpr / Smr | 39 |
PK910 | RZ8480 but λfnr-L28H | 47 |
PK8228 | PK910 but ΔiscS::cat | This study |
PK8229 | PK910 but ΔiscU::cat | This study |
PK8230 | PK910 but ΔiscA::cat | This study |
PK8231 | PK910 but ΔiscSUA::cat | This study |
PK8232 | PK910 but ΔhscBAfdx::cat | This study |
PK8233 | PK910 but ΔiscSUAhscBAfdx::cat | This study |
PK8478 | PK910 but ΔsufABCDSE::cat | This study |
PK8482 | PK910 but ΔcsdA::cat | This study |
PK8202 | MG1655 (−233 to +13 relative to translational start site) PydfZ::lacZ | This study |
PK8222 | PK8202 but ΔiscS::cat | This study |
PK8223 | PK8202 but ΔiscU::cat | This study |
PK8224 | PK8202 but ΔiscA::cat | This study |
PK8225 | PK8202 but ΔiscSUA::cat | This study |
PK8226 | PK8202 but ΔhscBAfdx::cat | This study |
PK8227 | PK8202 but iscSUAhscBAfdx::cat | This study |
PK8428 | Same as PK8227 but with pGS0164 | This study |
PK8445 | Same as PK8227 but with pBADmychisC | This study |
PK8405 | PK8202 but ΔnfuA | This study |
PK8407 | PK8202 but ΔytfE | This study |
PK8476 | PK8202 but ΔsufABCDSE::cat | This study |
PK8605 | PK8476 but CmS | This study |
PK8607 | PK8605 but with pGS0164 | This study |
PK8611 | PK8607 but Δ iscSUAhscBAfdx::cat | This study |
PK8481 | PK8202 but ΔcsdA::cat | This study |
PK8835 | PK8202 but ΔsufA | This laboratory |
PK8836 | PK8202 but ΔsufA ΔnfuA | This laboratory |
PK8865 | PK8202 but ΔsufA ΔiscA | This laboratory |
PK8544 | PK8202 but ΔiscA ΔnfuA::cat | This laboratory |
PK8203 | PK8202 but ΔfnrΩSpr / Smr | This study |
PK8457 | PK8203 but ΔompT Δlacy | This study |
PK8601 | PK8457 but with pPK434 | This study |
PK8234 | Same as PK8203 but with pRZ7411 | This study |
PK8235 | Same as PK8203 but with pACYC184 | This study |
PK8240 | Same as PK8203 but with pPK6928 | This study |
PK8241 | Same as PK8203 but with pPK6929 | This study |
PK8259 | PK8203 but ΔiscSUAhscBAfdx | This study |
PK8270 | Same as PK8259 but with pRZ7411 | This study |
PK8271 | Same as PK8259 but with pACYC184 | This study |
PK8272 | Same as PK8259 but with pPK6928 | This study |
PK8273 | Same as PK8259 but with pPK6929 | This study |
PK6879 | MG1655 (−200 to +40 relative to transcriptional start site) PsufA::lacZ | 28 |
PK8452 | PK6879 but ΔiscSUAhscBAfdx::cat | This study |
PK6898 | PK6879 but ΔfnrΩSpr / Smr | This laboratory |
PK8453 | PK6898 but ΔiscSUAhscBAfdx::cat | This study |
BW25993 | lacIq Δ lacZWJ16 hsdR514ΔaraBADAH33Δ rhaBADLD78 | 50 |
Plasmids | ||
pBAD/Myc-hisC | Apr | Invitrogen |
pGS0164 | pBAD/Myc-hisC but with sufABCDSE in NcoI and EcoRI sites | 19 |
pRZ7411 | Cmr, HindIII-BamHI of fnr, -521 to +1115 of fnr in pACYC184 | 39 |
pACYC184 | Cmr | 61 |
pPK6928 | Same as pRZ7411 but fnr-C23A | 46 |
pPK6929 | Same as pRZ7411 but fnr-C122A | 46 |
pCP20 | Apr | 50 |
pKD46 | Phage λ gam-bet-exo genes under ParaB control | B. L. Wanner |
pKD32 | FRT-cat-FRT | B. L. Wanner |
pKD13 | FRT-kan-FRT | 50 |
pPK434 | HindIII-BamHI of fnr-L28H (−521 to +1115 of fnr-LH28) in pACYC184 | This laboratory |
pPK437 | Same as pPK434 but with fnr-L28H-C122S | This laboratory |