Ad binds to human platelets integrin-dependently. (a) Platelets were isolated, incubated with Ad (black) or AdRGD (red) (MOI = 10, RT) and stained with FITC-labeled anti-hexon antibody as above in Fig. 2. (b) Prior to incubation with AdRGD, platelet integrins were blocked (RT, 1-hr, 150 mg/ml) with the peptides GRGDS (RGD), eptifibatide (a synthetic RGD analog) or Cγ (a 12-amino acids peptide derived from the carboxy terminus of the FBG γ chain). GRGES served as a negative control. (c) Platelets were first incubated with monoclonal anti-αvβ3 or anti-CD41 (=αIIbβ3) antibodies (at 5 or 25 mg/ml), prior to rinse and incubation with AdRGD, rinse and staining with anti-hexon antibody. *, p < 0.05 for inhibition of Ad attachment with anti-αvβ3 antibody. Representative images of at least 2 different experiments (n = 3 for each).