PDB code 3E4C | |
Space group | P1 |
Unit cell constants | a = 56.1 Å, b = 58.0 Å, c = 119.6 Å |
α = 105.95°, β = 90.85°, γ = 92.77° | |
Resolution | 20 to 2.05 Å (2.12 to 2.05 Å)a |
Rsymb | 0.058 (0.414)a |
<I/σI> | 11.2 (1.75)a |
No. of reflections | 114,926 |
No. of unique reflections | 37,223 |
Completeness | 97.0% (87.4%)a |
Refinement | |
Resolution | 20 to 2.05 Å |
No. of reflections | 35,359 |
Rwork, Rfreec | 0.201, 0.264 |
No. of non-H atoms | 4,423 |
B-factors | |
Overall | 36.8 Å2 |
Wilson-plot derived | 37.5 Å2 |
Atoms at 0.5 occupancy | 81.2 Å2 |
r.m.s.d. bond length | 0.012 Å |
r.m.s.d. angles | 1.4° |
Ramachandran plotd | 86.0, 12.7, 0.8, 0.4% |
Numbers in parentheses refer to the highest resolution shell.
Rsym = ∑|I - <I>|/∑I, where <I> is the average intensity of symmetry related observations of a unique reflection.
Rwork = ∑|Fo - Fc|/∑Fo, where Fo and Fc are the observed and calculated structure factor amplitudes, respectively. Rfree is the R-factor for a randomly selected 10% of the reflections excluded from all refinement.
Percentage of residues in the most favored, additionally allowed, generously allowed, and disallowed regions of a Ramachandran plot (34).