A, anti-CypA immunoblot of sucrose density fractions of
conditioned medium from high density clone C cells. B,
cellulose-bound hensin 12-mer peptides on a SPOT array were incubated with
CypA either in the absence of CsA (left) or in the presence of CsA
(right), transferred to nitrocellulose membranes, and immunoblotted
with anti-CypA antibody. Yellow and green bars indicate the
peptide regions of hensin that bound to CypA. Peptides in which interaction
with CypA could not be competed off by preincubation with CsA are
underlined in green, and those successfully competed off by
preincubation with CsA (underlined in yellow) are thereby
possible specific binding sites for the PPIase active site of CypA. See
supplemental Fig. 2 for detailed sequence information of these peptides.
C, conditioned medium was added to Ni-NTA beads coupled with
recombinant CypA in the presence or absence of CsA and to the appropriate
control beads. Bound protein was eluted off from the beads using imidazole
elution buffer twice (elution 1 (lane E1) and elution 2 (lane
E2)) and immunoblotted with anti-hensin antibody.