Fig. 1.
Notch activation is not sufficient to restore proliferation in Tcf4−/− mice. Paraffin longitudinal sections of neonatal small intestine from wild-type (A and E), vilCre/Nic (B and F), Tcf4−/− (C and G) and vilCre/Nic;Tcf4−/− (D and H) mice stained with the proliferation marker Ki67 in A–D and with an antibody anti-Hes1 in E–H. The increase in cell proliferation induced by Notch activation (green cells in B) is not visible in the absence of Tcf4 (D). The Notch target Hes1 is strongly induced in vilCre/Nic mice and in vilCre/Nic;Tcf4−/− mice (brown nuclei in F and H), indicating that Notch signaling is activated in these transgenic mice. Goblet cells show nonspecific staining with this polyclonal antibody (E and G). [Scale bar, 80 μm (A–D) and 50 μm (E–H).]