The Notch target Hes1 is highly expressed in mouse and human adenomas but not in carcinomas. (A–D) Paraffin longitudinal sections of normal small intestine (A and B) and tumor tissues (C and D) from Apc+/− (A and C) and N/Apc (B and D) mice, stained with a rabbit antibody recognizing the Hes1 protein. Hes1 is found exclusively in the crypts of adult normal intestine (A), whereas in N/Apc mice its expression correlates with the mosaic expression of the Nic transgene (B). In mouse adenomas, Hes1 is strongly expressed both in N/Apc mice (D) and in Apc+/− control mice (C). Goblet cells present nonspecific staining with this antibody in A. (E–J) Paraffin representative sections of human specimens of normal colon (E and H), sporadic and FAP low-grade colon adenomas (F and I, respectively), and sporadic and FAP adenocarcinomas (G and J, respectively) stained with a rat anti-Hes1 antibody. Hes1 is readily detectable in the nuclei of both normal and dysplastic human colonic crypts (E, F, H, and I), but it is not expressed in human colon adenocarcinomas (G and J). [Scale bar, 100 μm (A and B) and 50 μm (C–J).]