A phylogenetic tree of Arabidopsis Trxs and various plant ACHT proteins, an unrooted bootstrapped tree comprised of Arabidopsis one Trx domain proteins with an atypical or classic vicinal dithiol active site, and ACHT homologs was generated in PHYLIP (Felsenstein, 2005). The ACHT proteins (AtACHT1–5, OtI, CrI, CrII, PpI, LlI, OsI, OsII, OsIII, OsIV, ZmI, ZmII, ZmIII) grouped with the Trxs with eukaryotic origin (f, AtL5, h, CxxC2, WCGVC, o) and not with the prokaryotic-origin Trxs (m, x, y, HCF164). Bootstrapped values of above 70% are indicated. Although Clot, WCRKC1, and WCRKC2 appear to associate with the eukaryotic Trxs, the bootstrapped values were not significant. The sequence of the noncanonical active-site Trxs is shown in gray letters. The organism codes are as follows: At, Arabidopsis; Ot, O. tauri; Cr, C. reinhardtii; Pp, P. patens; Ll, L. longiflorum; Os, O. sativa; Zm, Z. mays. Accession numbers are: OtI (Ot10g03450), CrI (XP_001697443), CrII (XP_001696231), PpI (EDQ64087), LlI (L18909) OsI (Os05g11090), OsII (Os03g07234), OsIII (Os03g21000), OsIV (Os07g48510), ZmI (AY104786), ZmII (BT018452), ZmIII (AY105197), and AtL5 (At1g07700, Lilium5). Abbreviations of the classic and the atypical Trxs are as in Meyer et al. (2008).