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. 2008 Nov;86(11):857–863. doi: 10.2471/BLT.07.049387

Table 1. Example of rules and organizations that may influence a country’s health financing functions.

Type of rule Legislation and other regulatory provisions of rules Organizations
Revenue collection
Taxation rules Income tax rates range from 15–40%. MoF or revenue collection authority
SHI contribution rules 6% contribution rates to be shared 50/50 by employer/employee; informal sector workers with an annual household income of more than US$ 1200 pay a flat amount of US$ 40. For payroll deductions: SHI fund and MoF; for informal sector: NGOs, district authorities, microfinance institutions
Membership/registration rules All formal sector employees and civil servants are mandatory members of the SHI scheme; informal sector workers can join voluntarily in a group of more than 20 workers in the same professional area. SHI fund/registration department; NGOs involved in outreach activities
MoH schedule of user fees The noninsured pay the established user fees at public and private health facilities. Public and private health service providers
Pooling across MOH and SHI fund 1% of SHI income is transferred to the MoH to subsidize services rendered to the non-insured. MoH, MoF, SHI fund
Risk equalization rules among SHI funds Additional resources are provided to SHI funds with high health risk by those SHI funds with low health risks, based on a specific risk adjustment formula. Risk equalization agency
Pooling within the SHI scheme Contribution rates are income-related and not risk-related; access is based on need. SHI fund
SHI rules on purchasing The SHI can purchase from both public and private facilities; the SHI must contract all facilities that meet the accreditation standards. SHI fund/contracts department, health providers associations or health providers, accreditation agency
SHI rules on type and rate of provider remuneration The SHI remunerates providers on the basis of a case-payment, with pre-defined rates that vary according to the facility level. SHI fund/remuneration department, health providers
MoH rules on type and rate of provider remuneration MoH allocates global budgets to sub-national levels based on rational criteria (population characteristics, epidemiological profile, poverty rates within that sub-national unit). MoH, subnational MoH units such as health districts, MoF
Rule on MoH benefit package MoH provides an essential health services package with services at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. MoH
Rule on benefit package definition of MoH Services are included based on cost-effectiveness, analysis results and considerations of equity of the disease burden; the benefit package is reviewed every 2 years. MoH or a national benefit package committee

MoF, Ministry of Finance; MoH, Ministry of Health; SHI, social health insurance; NGO, nongovernmental organization.