Figure 2.
flow cytometric analysis of CD133+ retinal cells. Fluorescent histograms showing relative expression of stem/progenitor cell markers NESTIN (A), CD135 (B), CD90 (C), CD271 (D), NCAM (E), Pax-6 (F), ABCG2 (G), DBX (H), RHOD (I), GFAP (J), LIFR (K), Notch-1 (L), RECOVERIN (M), CD31 (N), CD45 (O), CRALBP (P), VIMENTIN (Q), CD34 (R), cd117 (S) and NANOG (T) in CD133+ sorted retinal cells. Grey filled peaks are isotype mAb background fluorescence for each specific mAb investigated. Numbers within peaks refer to mean fluorescent intensity (MFI), numbers above bars refer to positive percentage expression. The Correspondingly CD133+retinal cells have a phenotype of Nestinhi, CD135hi, CD90hi, CD271hi, NCAMhi, Pax-6hi, DBXlo, RHODlo, GFAPlo, LIFRlo, Notch-1lo, RECOVERINlo and CD31-, CD45-, ABCG2l-, CRALBP-, VIMENTIN-, CD34-, CD117-, NANOG.