Peptideb | Sequence | gB location (amino acid residues) | Domainc | EC50 (μM)d |
gB64 | TTPKFTVAWDWVPKR | 346-360 | I | 85 |
gB82 | VGQPQYYLANGGFLI | 436-450 | II | NDe |
gB94 | KTTSSIEFARLQFTY | 496-510 | III | 6.5 |
gB95 | IEFARLQFTYNHIQR | 501-515 | III | ND |
gB110 | VAADNVIVQNSMRIS | 576-590 | IV | ND |
gB122 | GHRRYFTFGGGYVYF | 636-650 | IV | 15 |
gB131 | HEVVPLEVYTRHEIK | 681-695 | V | 18 |
At least one peptide maps to each of the five subdomains of gB-1.
The peptides are designated sequentially starting at residue 30 of mature gB-1 and extending to the start site of the transmembrane segment.
The domain nomenclature is that of Heldwein et al. (36).
Comprehensive assay.
ND, not determined due to poor solubility.