Fig. 5.
Individual results for three subjects (2, 3, and 4) are shown. Each child participated in the testing at a few different time intervals after activation of the second cochlear implant (3, 15, and 22 to 26 mos). Each panel contains data from a single subject, comparing performance on the three listening modes: bilateral, first cochlear implant and second cochlear implant. Within each panel, MAA thresholds are plotted as a function of the number of months after activation of the second cochlear implant. On the vertical axis, MAA thresholds can range from 5° to 85°, and data points >85 denote conditions in which thresholds were not measurable (NM). Filled symbols were taken from the fixed-speaker approach described in the Methods section; open symbols from the 3-mo visits represent MAA thresholds estimated using the adaptive method.