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. 2009 Jan 20;9:5. doi: 10.1186/1471-230X-9-5

Table 4.

Variables associated with rates of SVRin chronic HCV patients treated with interferon plus ribavirin standard therapy (N = 400).

Variable Total No. of treated patients
(n = 400)
Achieved SVR
(n = 202)
SVR rate, % P-value
Age, years
≤ 40 251 144 57.4 0.022
> 40 149 58 38.9

Female 120 68 56.7 NS
Male 280 134 47.8

Ethnic group
Pushtoon 78 54 69.2 0.026
Punjabi 299 136 45.5
Sindhi 11 5 45.5
Baloch 12 6 50.0

Pre-treatment viral load
< 0.2 MIU/mL 291 173 59.5 0.001
> 0.2 MIU/mL 109 29 26.6

Rapid virological response
Achieved 186 139 74.7 0.04
Not achieved 214 63 29.4

HCV genotype
2, 3 or mixed with 2&3 315 181 57.5 0.005
1, 4, 5, 6 or mixed 85 21 24.7

Present 16 0 0 0.021
Absent 41 23 56.09

Pre-treatment ALT
Moderately high 239 121 50.6 NS
Very high 161 81 50.3

SVR-Sustained virologic response, defined as undetectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after end of anti-viral treatment.

The number of participants does not add up to400 for one variable due to it being not applicable.