Fig. 1.
Age-related changes in cysteine oxidation in cytosolic liver homogenates from young (open bars) and old (solid bars) mice and MRs. Data are the means of 8 (mice) and 10 (MRs) ± SEM. The * denotes values that are significantly (P ≤ 0.05) different from young mice as analyzed by nonparametric ANOVA. (A) Disulfide bond content increases 1.3-fold in mice with age, but is unchanged (#, P = 0.07) with age in MRs. (B) Sulfenic acid levels increase 1.5-fold with age in mice (P = 0.04), but are unchanged with age in MRs. (C) Total cysteine content in MRs is 1.6-fold higher than in mice (P = 0.05). Whereas total cysteine declines significantly with age in mice, no age-related changes are evident in MRs. (D) Irreversible oxidation increases 3.4-fold more with age in mice than in MRs. Levels of irreversible cysteine oxidation are obtained from the differences (Δ) between the values of total cysteine in young and old mice and MRs.