Fig. 5.
Drought-induced accumulation of some osmolytes in soybean transgenic lines. (A) Proline content in leaves of wild-type and 35S:BiP-4 transgenic lines under drought. Drought was induced in soybean plants at the V3 developmental stage by withholding irrigation for 7 d (DS) when the proline content of the leaves was determined. I denotes normally irrigated plants. (B, C) Soluble sugars content in leaves of wild type and independent transgenic lines (as indicated) cultivated under a restricted water regime. Drought stress (DS) conditions were imposed by reducing irrigation to a 40% level of the normal water supply for 18 d. I represents normally irrigated counterparts. After 18 d of treatment the leaf content of sucrose (B), and glucose (C) was measured. Asterisks indicate significant differences at P ≤0.05.